Queering Treasures

4 min readSep 13, 2021
A Guardian of the Conservative Order

Self-identification is mutating and alongside these changes is its external influence on others. The guardians of mono-relations, these griffins of hegemonic treasures that keep conservatism alive. They know that these mutations threaten one of their most important and priceless possessions in the socio-monocultural garden. This would be Gender Essentialism, as it is the backbone of many gender-related hierarchies that come together to maintain patriarchy.

The Gender Binary demands this relation: “Gender F and Gender M must relate to the anatomical categorization of sex. They must also express corresponding behaviors, clothing, and overall presentations that are essential to what it means to be a Male or Female.” However, Trans existence introduces a set of relations that threaten this socio-monocultural relation. Now, Gender and Sex are not inherent to one another, and the means of expressing each is taken from a hegemonic position to a personal one.

This new set of relations introduces complex ones that undermine the rigid and narrowed set that gender essentialism needs to maintain itself. What are the guardians to do? The only two options they have are scorched earth or recuperation. The Scorched earth method means to violently suppress and eliminate all traces of this complexity before it escapes from their reach. The recuperation method is what happens when that complexity does escape its reach.

Concessions are to be made to expand the reach and in doing so to help recapture the complexity. Tokens are to be made; Representatives that will manifest and teach this recuperation. Trans Conservatism is born so it may crush further progression and not have to make more concessions. Just as Gay Conservatism before it had tried to do. The Leviathan must wear the skin of progress in order to kill it. Trans Conservatism bases itself in the Transmedicalist framework, keeping it within binary relations. In doing this it only has to lose as little of its rigidity so it may salvage as much of it as possible.

Would be a total nightmare for the guardians if an even more complex set of relations sprung up. What if instead of using he and she pronouns, people used they/them. What if a whole new set of these were released. An explicitly Nonbinary set of identifications. That would frighten the Griffins even more. It would put them into a state of pure Future Shock. Of course, this has happened and it is incredible. The fear now for the Guardians is that Trans Conservatism will fail, as in, it won’t be able to contain the complexity and must then have to continue to concede more. This will lead to the possible birth of Non-Binary Conservatism.

How things will progress beyond this is speculation. What is to be done about this now though? How do we fight off these guardians of rigidity? Few ways. Don’t take their concessions, as in, do not be convinced that homonationalism and pink capitalism will ever be anything other than attempts at capturing your complexity. Being has called this a “trade deal” of sorts that Centralist Realism tries to make with those groups of people who are threatened by hierarchies, and due to fighting back have become threats to it. Even possibly accepted into the larger society. So, that “Trade Deal” is made. For being assimilated back into centralist reach you’re given representations of progress in return.

Another way to fight back is to spread your complexity. This can be as simple as expressing yourself to others, or as advanced as open-sourcing those means of self-expression. Providing others with ways to access the information on things like make-up tips, fashion, voice techniques, and other general advice. The stuff that helps others discover how best they can express themselves.

Possibly even providing more than just information like material resources. 3D Printing hormone replacement therapies like testosterone, estrogen, and other related medicines. Finding ways to streamline this micro-production of HRT through mutual aid networks. Could also simply post the blueprints on how-to for others to freely access as well. The general point is that finding more ways, routes, and means of increasing the scope of complexity will accelerate its self-replication and mutation. Thankfully many of us have a global network of communication at our fingertips to take advantage of.

For too long have these ideological birds of prey kept these means to grow beyond them sanctified, obscured, and locked away from us. Steal from the garden of socio-monoculture and plant something far more beautiful in its place. Watch as what you lay in the ground blooms into something that no one, not even yourself, can stop from spreading and evolving. Building underground networks of communication between the other crops, like mycelium, carrying knowledge and nutrients throughout.

Queering Treasures so others may share in their glow.

